Companies are spending large sums in their marketing efforts. But how can they know if their campaigns are successful and if consumers are getting the key message? Thura Swiss has developed quick and reliable measurement tools to identify marketing and campaign effectiveness. Read more about our campaign effectiveness products here.


Every month, we conduct telephone surveys with a panel of over 1000 respondents representing the population of Myanmar. Do you want to join the panel with your own questions? Contact us to know more about our Omnibus Surveys.


Brand strength is more relevant today than ever before. Do you want to understand how your and your competitors’ brands are perceived in Myanmar? Our Brand Equity and Tracking products are ready to inform you. Read more about it here.


The telecommunications industry has evolved rapidly in Myanmar in recent years and we have quickly adapted to the situation. Many of our consumer-related products are carried out by telephone survey. We have invested in a ful-fledged telephone survey call center with automated dialing systems that allow us to carry out Computer-assisted Telephone Interviews. All responses are directly entered into our database and every call is recorded to allow the highest accuracy and quality control.


Socio-economic classes (SECs) are one of the primary ways to segment consumers. We have developed and extensively tested an SEC model that meets all needs to better understand differences among consumers in Myanmar. Contact us to learn to know more about our SEC approach.